University students developed the latest hybrid of live and online poker, Poker Surface, which can be controlled by either a mobile phone or a touch-sensitive surface. Poker Surface is already raising eyebrows with big companies showing great interest in the product.

Although those in favoring live poker will probabrly never say goodbye to the feel of real chips, a real deck of cards and a fancy dealer lady, the combination of live and online poker has been challenging the developers for years now. The first electronic poker tables made their debut in 2008, and today they can be found in several popular casinos, including the recently finished Aria in Las Vegas.

Poker Surface is another great attempt at securing a marriage between live and online poker. The poker table (controllable by mobile phone or touch surface) was made by students of the Duisburg-Essen University.

In order for Poker Surface to take off and increase in popularity, developers need to make future improvements, because, as you can see in the video below, gameplay is still a bit dicey and lacks the atmosphere of a real game.
