David Williams, the funny and also highly successful PokerStars pro has become a dad a few days ago. According to his Twitter, he and his girlfriend had the baby on February 19. "Nameless Baby Williams was born at 8:01pm weighing 7lbs 11oz and 21inches long!!!!!!!! AMAZING! Yvette and the baby are doing great! – Williams wrote. As he told his followers, he thought way too much about what the baby girl’s name should be like, so they only agreed on the name a bit later.

"We have a name for our baby girl…The reason it took so long was because I’m weird. Every time we liked something I would freak out…and change my mind. I felt naming someone is so important because it’s with them FOREVER and I would hate to stick my girl with a bad name..So after 9 months of thinking and discussing it all comes down to this. Liliana Acea Williams. Born Feb 19, 2011 at 8:01pm. 7lbs11oz."


 The Williams Family

Both the mom and the baby are all right. Williams said he’s very happy and the moment and that "Being a dad is awesome!" It is indeed,I’m very glad to see a fellow player so happy. Congratulations, and I wish you the best!
