PokerStars presents a short documentary on the hardships and successes of the poker career of Team PokerStars Online pro Shane ’Shaniac’ Schleger.
Shane ’Shaniac’ Schleger started out as a waiter in New York City to become one of the most successful online players, as well as a Team PokerStars Online professional. The road, however, was far from smooth, requiring immense amount of work and dedication, as well as a “strong competitive spirit” to overcome the hardships.
The short film, sponsored by Team PokerStars Online, depicts Schleger’s journey, including its ups and downs.
“The film focuses on some of the more painful, struggle-filled chapters of my history and ignores the happier, more carefree things I get to enjoy. It definitely encapsulates the arc of my poker life in an accurate and comprehensive way: coming up into the poker life after being a lost 20-something New Yorker, succeeding in poker, struggling in poker, and the eventual need to leave my country to continue playing poker,” Schleger is quoted in a press release to promote the footage.
“It’s not the typical story of triumph in poker, but it represents my relationship with the game in an accurate way, and it also represents some of the realities that I continue to face. I can feel comfortable knowing that it’s a real representation of that story,” he said.
Watch the full documentary below: