Phil Ivey’s brand launched as a Facebook app back in July 2013, and was closed down last Saturday. According to the Ivey Poker Team this is only temporary, and Ivey Poker will return in 2015 with a "bigger and better gaming experience".

The closing of the site came as a surprise to the poker community. Ivey Poker has been expanding rapidly, they added a mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android and they also launched Ivey League, a video training site in January 2014. 

After the closing of the Ivey Poker app, the Ivey League still remains open. Ivey has stated that he wanted to "speed up the learning curve"  with his app and the training site, so they can improve themselves before jumping into the real money games. You can see the full statement released by the Ivey Poker Team below, let’s hope that their plans of coming out with an even bigger and better gaming experience are genuine and that we can see their developments as early as possible in 2015.



