Tom ’durrrr’ Dwan became a Full Tilt Poker professional in November 2009, when he signed with the Full Tilt Team. Although durrrr has been signed with Full Tilt for a while now, only recently has he acquired his own avatar, a privilege to every Full Tilt Pro. Durrrr’s comic self was born on the 18th April, so now he doesn’t need to look in the mirror anymore to admire his own face while playing poker.

The new Tom ’durrrr’ Dwan avatar has also raised the eyebrows of his opponents with the following comments published online:

Cole South: whoaaaaaaaa
Cole South: who the f is that
Cole South: nice avatar tom
durrrr: jus seeing it myself
durrrr: only saw sketches b4
Cole South: looks pretty darn good

Even the Finnish high stakes daredevil, ziigmund didn’t miss the opportunity to speak his opinion on durrrr’s new avatar. I would have been surpised if Ziigmund hadn’t taken the chance to comment on durrrr’s looks.

ziigmund: wtf?
ziigmund: looks like you taking a dump
ziigmund: in ur pants…

Video of the new durrrr avatar:
