Anyone can play the game of poker. A standard deck has 52 poker cards. The rules differ from one place to the other but nothing is hard to grasp. Like in most games, there are jargon words you must understand to play well.
It’s one thing to know how to play poker. It’s a different thing to be successful at it. To become a successful player, you must treat the game as your business. Would waste around your budget in a business you want to succeed? If your answer is no, be prepared to be financially responsible when playing poker games.
Below are more tips to inspire you to move from a casual player to a successful poker professional.
Improve the Technical Skills
To become a professional poker player, you must win regularly. You must know every technical aspect of the game and become the best you can be. For the uninitiated, the 52-cards in a poker game are ranked from the highest to the lowest in importance. Suit cards include hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades and all hold the same rank. The ranked cards start with the Ace card, then, king, queen, jack and numbers 10 down to 2.
The Ace card can also rank at the bottom of the deck but most rules place it at the top. There are more rules to the game depending on where you play. Invest your time in learning them. Practice with friends and small competitions. Improve your game until you become the best poker player you can be.
Always Play when Healthy and Sober
Once you decide to treat poker as your business, never do anything you wouldn’t do at a business environment. Never get into a gaming competition when you are drunk. Your mind doesn’t make well-thought decisions when you are tipsy.
If you are tired, don’t ever compete in a professional game. You better miss out on winning some money than lose your bet because you are tired. The same goes to when you are sick or not in a good mood. If you are said, anxious or overjoyed, chances are you will make the wrong calls. Invest in your health and knowledge of the game. You will always have an edge over other players.
Have the Mindset of a Pro
Sometimes poker players call bluffs. Sometimes you need to be resilient, know when to take risks and when to walk away. Most professionals underrate the power of bluffs and often do not use them or are scared by them.
When you are a professional, having the courage to call bluffs can help you win games when you least expected. While not every player is affected by fluffs, they work with novice players or players with little self-confidence. It can also work with professionals, especially if you are good at the game and know how to use the technique properly.
Invest in Important Personal Traits
There are certain traits every successful athlete possesses. Every good athlete is disciplined at their game. In the gambling world, being disciplined means sticking to your bankroll and avoiding emotionally-charged decisions. That means never chasing losses or taking shots at higher limit games when you don’t have the money to do it.
You must be self-motivated to stay in the game even when you are on a losing streak. Self-motivation is also key when starting out as a player. It takes a lot of practice and challenges to get to the top. Train yourself on the best poker sites on It’s easier to boost your confidence and better your skills while training on sites that allow you to win.
The ability to adapt to new environments and play with different players will also help you as a player. Different gambling sites have unique web designs and graphics. New players have different playing styles. You must be creative and handle each game with winning in mind.
Be Good at Managing Bankrolls
If there is one thing you should learn from other professionals it’s that moving from a millionaire back to being broke is very easy. Archie Karas, one of the richest poker players in the world, has made millions and lost them overnight.
Among poker players who died poor after making millions, no player is more famous than Stu Ungar. The player started his profession at the age of 10 years and made over $10 million during his peak. Dubbed Stu the Kid for his looks, Ungar had the skills to make millions but couldn’t manage his bankroll. He spent most of his money on drugs and other things. By the time he was 45, he was broke and dead at a cheap motel in Nevada.
Whether you make a few hundreds of dollars per week or thousands, learn to manage your cash flow. Have a budget for each game and rules of when to overspend or underspend. There is no specific way to spend your bankroll. Set the rules but make sure they help you achieve your monthly goals.
Stick to Poker
Most casino games are games of chance. The odds of winning a slot game are determined by a random number generator. Rolling the dice is certainly a guessing game and dependent on luck.
Almost every other casino game is won through luck. With poker, your skills matter. You can improve from being a casual player to a professional as your skills improve. Few other casino games offer that privilege. If you must play slots and other games, don’t get distracted from your goal. You want to become a successful poker player. Stick to the profession and improve your skillset until you are the best you can be.
To Conclude
Poker is one of the best games to turn into a profession if you love gambling. Your skills help you win. Your mindset, creativity, and adaptability can help you increase your wins. The ability to manage your bankrolls help you make profits consistently.
But all in all, choose good casinos to compete at. Online casinos are convenient because you can play at home. They are easy to operate and most of the modern platforms are legitimate and properly managed.