Ben Grundy is one of the most profitable cash game players online in the past 2-3 years, states According to a graph he posted on his blog (which many of his followers and fans think is inaccurate, or downright fake) his winnings already reached $7,805,169. Though, it seems he might have spent huge part of his money on houses, and now needs stakes as he posted the following on his blog:
“I’m at a weird stage with poker really. I can’t be bothered to play small, as grinding doesn’t really change my financial position at all. With all my money i’ve tied up in a couple of houses, i can’t afford to play big and lose. Bleh… so if someone out there wants to bankroll me for $100/$200+ action on Full Tilt i’m open to offers :-). I’m up $2 million ish in the last 2 years with my current backer at 25/50 – 50/100.”
Grundy seems to be uninterested in small-stakes poker, that’s why he’s looking for high-rollers to finance his comeback. Looking at the graph, and reading the comments below, however, I personally doubt that the queue is very long…