Check out the full streaming schedule and the live stream from high stakes cash games at the King’s Casino Rozvadov below!

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You can read about the details of the high stakes cash game festival here and check out the live stream schedule below:

Aug.15 21:00 1:30 No Limit Hold’Em €50 / €100 Button Attack (Min. buy-in: €10,000)
Aug. 16 13:30 19:30 Pot-Limit Omaha €50 / €100 ( Min. buy-in €10,000)
Aug. 16 20:30 1:30 No Limit Hold’Em €50 / €100 Button Attack (Min. buy-in € 10,000),
Aug. 17 13:30 19:30 Pot-Limit Omaha €50 / €100 (Min. buy-in €10,000)
Aug. 17 20:30 01:30 No Limit Hold’Em €50 / €100, Ante €25 ( Min. buy-in €10,000)
Aug. 18 13:30 19:30 Pot-Limit Omaha €50 / €100 (Min. buy-in €10,000)
Aug.18 20:30 1:30 No Limit Hold’em €100 / €200 (Min. buy-in €20,000 )
