As it was big news for a few days now, on August 5th the San Jose mine collapsed in Chile, trapping 33 Chilean miners half a mile inside the earth. All the miners are safe and sound thankfully, though their rescue might take very long, approximately 4 months.
Through the 6 inch (15cm) wide tube that leads to the survivors, where they get food and air supplies, the miners requested a deck of poker cards, and they have been playing poker to pass the time ever since.
The daugther of the 53-year-old Frank Lobos (one of the miners trapped inside, also former Chilean national football player), Carolina Lobos told the Daily Mirror that she does not fear her father will be in any danger.
"It will be difficult, I’m sure, but I’m not worried about him," Caroline said. "I know he is happy and content down there because he is playing lots of poker and cards. It is good for his mind."
As far as current predictions go, the rescue might take until Christmas, so the miners might even start their pro poker career when they are finally in the outside world.