Comparing traditional poker with its online cousin is like comparing two different kinds of apple. They are still the same and provide identical features and benefits, but only with the exception of a few added flavors and colors. The two poker variants have similarities and differences. P.S. This article is only making a comparison and doesn’t intend to pick a winner.


A poker game – both online and offline – have the same rules and follow an identical path. All the primary elements indicative of a real casino poker game can be found in a virtual casino as well. Therefore, those who’ve mastered the offline poker game will have no trouble transitioning to the online variant.


An online casino’s atmosphere differs from a traditional casino’s ambiance. In a real casino, you’ll have friendly dealers and waitresses buzzing and refilling drinks at the table. You see the people you are actually playing against.

These elements don’t apply to an online casino. Usually, most people take a shot at online casino games in their home, office or any other place where they have Internet access. As a result, the vibe and experience of playing at a casino are absent. Moreover, online casino players may feel bored or isolated with no one around.

You may create a genuine casino experience only if you take your laptop and head to a real casino. But that’s completely defeating the purpose of playing online. Why would you play at an online casino when you’re already inside the best casinos in town?

Body Language and Tactics

Among several casino games, poker has had the biggest psychological element. Expert players read opponents through poker tell-tales and body language. Sudden eye movement, heavy breathing, trembling hands, etc. are signs giving away the hand. In fact, there are players who could accurately guess the cards the other players have by just reading their facial expressions. This is perhaps the reason why many players put on sunglasses when at the game.

Such body language and guessing work is not synonymous of online poker, for there’s just you and your computer screen.


Besides reading expressions, expert players also resort to aggressive tactics such as maintaining constant eye-to-eye contact to unsettle opponents or utilize fake tells for baiting other players inside a trap. In an online game, the only signs on offer are opponents’ betting speeds and patterns.

The anonymity level with online casino games gives obvious results. Getting intimidated or intimidating others is almost impossible if the opponents are unknown or cannot be seen. Also, being able to see the person in live also helps make new friends.

Multiple/Unlimited Tables

A brick-and-mortar casino invariably has empty tables during peak hours, especially in cases of popular casinos. This is due to the finite physical space and limited tables. Getting an unoccupied table or spot may therefore turn out a cumbersome and time-consuming experience. Online casino players need not put up with such hassle. Regardless of the time they log in to the system, they’ll always have a spot vacant, thanks to the virtual nature of the platform. This also makes playing multiple tables possible with online games, thereby presenting a serious opportunity to win real money online casino.




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