Daniel Negreanu has launched his Twitch channel on Tuesday, and by the time his first stream finished, he had 4,500 followers, which increased to 150,000 by Thursday morning. Griffin "Flush_Entity" Benger, winner of Season 1 of the PokerStars Shark Cage has also launched his own channel, where he will stream his online tournament sessions.

Twitch, the online streaming provider owned by Amazon didn’t need much time to become popular amongst online poker players. Recreational players and leading pros are both streaming or following someone’s play. Twitch streams present a good opportunity to improve as a player aswell, many of the pros comment their game and analyze situations on the spot.

On April 14, Team PokerStars Pro Daniel Negreanu has launched his own Twitch channel under the name "DNegsPoker". Even though the first stream was basically Negreanu setting up the stream and playing a short play-money session (Negreanu was in the USA at the time), by the time it was over, the channel had 4,500 followers.

The stream kinda turned into a Q&A, which Negreanu was happy to do, he even had his dog involved in the stream. Negreanu is one of the most well known players in the mainstream media, and his streams could reach a very wide audience which could help bring new players into the game.

Negreanu has announced plans of streaming some high-stakes 8-game and possibly the Sunday Million.

DNegsPoker Twitch channel

Another poker player, Griffin "Flush_Entity" Benger has also launched his own Twitch channel, which is great news for MTT enthusiasts. Benger started off as a pro video game player (Counter Strike) and is one of the best tournament players on the planet, he has lead the worldwide online tournament rankings several times and has accumulated $6.2 million in online winnings on the way. Benger has also recently won $1 million in the PokerStars Shark Cage.

Benger will stream as a member of Team Gripsed and provides strategy advice to players, on Tuesday players could watch him play the Super Tuesday and other high stakes tournaments on a 7 minute delay.

Griffin "Flush_Entity" Benger Twitch channel





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