As we reported it, the Unibet Open London was held February 23rd-26th at the Grosvenor Casino – better known as “The Vic” – in London. 33-year-old Belgian amateur Gerret Van Lancker finished first out of the 419 players in the £900+90 buy-in main event.

Van Lancker qualified for the Main Event through a €1 online satellite and ended up pocketing a £71,950 prize, that is almost 83,000 times the value of his buy-in.

In the heads-up for the first place Van Lancker faced Slovenian Dejan Govedic, starting with a 4:1 chiplead. In the final hand Govedic shoved his J5 off pre-flop which Van Lancker called after two minutes of tanking with J10 off. The flop came 6hKs8h, then the turn Ac and finally, a 4d for the river which meant neither of the hands improved, and Gerret Van Lancker become the victor of the Main Event.

Even though he’s an amateur, he’s by no means inexperienced: this was Van Lancker’s third Unibet Open final. He came in 5th in Prague in 2012 and 3rd in Malta last year.

The next stop for Unibet Open will be in Copenhagen in the end of May.

If you wish to open an Unibet account, make sure your register through this link and then you can take part in a 2X€2,500 exclusive rake race too.

