Full Tilt has recently updated their website, with new logos and more, which are all part of their plan to market themselves as more than just a poker site (they even changed their URL to FullTilt.com a while ago). Players noticed another change however – Full Tilt Professionals Viktor "Isildur1" Blom and Gus Hansen are no longer on the start screen of the client, and rumor is that this is because they have severed ties with the site.

Tyson Image

Hansen and Blom have disappeared from the homepage and the "The Professionals" tab is nowhere to be found in the main menu either. The only trace of the pros is a small link to a Full Tilt Pros page hidden in the footer of the website, and their bio page is still alive aswell.

Full Tilt started off with three "Professionals", but Tom "durrrr" Dwan didn’t renew his contract in December. When Dwan left the company, the process was pretty much the same as now. He was first removed from the Full Tilt login screen and the website, then his departure was announced. Nobody knows for sure why Dwan left, although the fact that he barely played and that he didn’t attend FTP promotional events was most likely the cause.

Hansen and Blom both play a lot on Full Tilt (although Hansen has disappeared in the last few weeks, which just makes the rumor even more likely), but they don’t exactly have the greatest results. Hansen has recently surpassed $20 million on losses and has stated that he has mindset and motivation issues that prevent him from successfully competing with the best players in the world, while Blom has lost $1.4 million on FTP this year alone.

Even though Blom has been an internet sensation since Day 1, the fact that he visits few live events, and when he does, he doesn’t do interviews, could be another reason why FTP feels that he’s not a very valueable asset any more. At this point, everything is pure speculation, but as soon as there is any new information regarding the matter, we will report it.









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