This year’s IPT Venice tournament has ended two days ago. Attracting 505 players, the Ca’Noghera Casino in Venice was the home for the second season of the IPT.

It got down to the final 8  at the 25th blind level, when the chip counts were as follows:

Tyson Image

Ali Tekintamgac – 2.254.000
Toby Lewis – 2.117.000
Davide Cerrato – 2.030.000
Giovanni La Padula – 914.000
András Kovács – 815.000
Cristiano Guerra – 806.000
Sandro Mazzei – 731.000
Tamás Lendvai –  429.000

Mazzei was the first to leave the final table, going all-in preflop with KJ and getting called by Andras Kovacs, holding JJ.

Toby Lewis followed after losing a hand against Tekintagmac, and took place 7, worth €25,000.

Andras Kovacs was the next to get busted, followed by Tekintagmac.

Holding :hA :hK, Tekintagmac bet 170,000 preflop, got called by La Padula (:sQ :d6), went all-in on a :c6 :s5 :d5 flop, and saw no help come on the turn and the river.

Ali Tekintamgac

La Padula then eliminated Guerra (AQs vs. KJo), and went all-in once again shortly after. Holding KQ, he got called by Lendvai (AQ). Lendvai won with a straight.

At this point, we could see the former short-stack start starting heads-up with a huge lead over Davide Cerrato, the chip count being 8,260,000 – 1,845,000.
Heads-up only lasted two hands, as Cerrato went all-in holding A5, and got called by Lendvai (KT).

With Lendvai hitting his King on the turn, the fate of this year’s IPT victory was decided.

Tamas Lendvai
Tamas Lendvai

Tamas Lendvai is a 38 year-old Hungarian. He has been playing poker for only about four years, with his previous tournament results including cash finishes at the 2009 EPT London, the 2010 WSOP and the APPT Macau in 2008, but this has been his biggest win so far.

Congratulations to the winners, and see you at the tables next year!

Final table results and winnings:

1. Tamás Lendvai – €235.000
2. Davide Cerrato – €147.000
3. Giovanni La Padula – €88.000
4. Cristiano Guerra – €59.000
5. Ali Tekintamgac – €46.000
6. András "And217" Kovács – €35.000
7. Toby Lewis – €25.000
8. Sandro Mazzei – €18.000



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