Yesterday, twoplustwo forum members were busy discussing mysterious events that have happened at the Barcelona stop of the EPT. Four poker players were said to have been robbed and attacked in a nightclub in Barcelona.

Carter Phillips

Tyson Image

The comment that started the thread was this one (posted by forum member SySteMChEck):

“So i was just on facebook and read a few messages from a couple pro’s and it seems that some **** when down in Barca. Here’s a few of the messages.

Carter Phillips
Id like to make this announcement that I am 95% sure that I am officially done with poker. more details to come. in the process of writing out a lengthy explanation to release to the poker community shortly.

William Reynolds: for all of you that want to make bets and ridicule this post, now is not the time – none of this has to do with anything card related – people got robbed tonight and almost injured (Williams response to Carters status update)

William Reynolds i am thankful the 18in machete that was being swung at me last night didn’t kill me – the end

Does anyone have any idea what occured? and most importantly that anyone who was involved is safe and well?”

William Reynolds
William Reynolds

Discussion and guessing went on and on, until grindplz posted the following story, as recalled by William Reynolds.

“K heres the story from William Reynolds.

Carter Phillips, Kevin Stani, Kayvan Payman, and I had puffing some sisha at a live music and hookah lounge right down the way in the marina. I’d been working on a few of my dance moves and we were shootin the **** for a few hours while drinking some beers. At about 6am we’d had enough and Kayvan pays the bill. We all walk outside n Kayvans about 10 meters ahead of me when 3 guys all quickly surround him n use their barcelona pick pocketing skills to slide 4000 euro out of his pockets with out him immediately noticing. He checked his pocket as these guys start to run away down into a subway entrance.

We try to pursue but they pull security gates down behind them that can’t be lifted back up. Right near the entrance to that subway there was a restaraunt that had a large window and two workers had closed up shop but were still inside. We banged on the window to get their attention but they couldn’t speak english. Payman became frustrated and punched the window and ran around the corner. I turned back around to attempt to open up the security gates one more time but it won’t budge. As I begin walking forward and out of this little enclosed area I’m in the two workers come around the corner: 1 is holding a frying pan and the other is holding an 18in machete. I’m like wow these guys really want to help us. I approach the man with the machete attempting to talk a mix of simple english and spanish when all of a sudden he comes at me with a Steven Segal kick straight to my chest that connects. He than begins to assume the role of Zorro and starts thrusting the blade directly at my heart with his first attempt making the smallest of contact. While he is doing this I am not trying to fight back and just continue to move back with my hands up in the air reaching for the sky in this little enclosed spot.

At the same time the man with the frying pan is trying to crack Payman’s skull. The two guys we were trying to get help from end up causing more harm than the robbers. This entire time my eyes are fixated on this crazy spaniard and his machete. Eventually the 2 realize we are not trying to fight back and go back inside their locked store
That is almost how I was carved like a turkey on thanksgiving. The end.”

I am glad to hear that no serious harm has been done to the players, and hope that this will not keep anyone from visiting Barcelona, a truly marvelous place to discover.


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