Dentale’s feud with GPI Female Player of the Year winner Hall started in December, after Hall made a questionable decision at the WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic Main Event and Dentale strongly criticized her for it publicly much to Hall’s dislike. The brawl intensified to the point where Hall challenged Dentale to a heads-up game which he accepted – the match-up is due to go down in March. 

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On the third day of the WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic Main Event Barry Hutter raised to 16,500 from the cutoff which Gerald Karlic called, then Cate Hall 3bet to 44,000 from the hijack. When it got back to Hutter he went all in with his 145,000. Karlic folded, then Hall started to tank for minutes. She got the clock called on her in the 8th minute. With only 15 second left to make a move, Hall decided to call Hutter’s bet – with AT off. The table gasped as this was the hand they were expecting after minutes of tanking and an over 75 bb 4bet. Hall’s AT was against Hutter’s pocket Js and the Jacks held out their lead to the very end which doubled Hutter’s stack up to 313,400 (157 bb) and left Hall with a mere 20,000 (10 bb).

Later Hall wrote on Twitter that at the time, estimated her odds to be around 2-3:1 against Hutter’s range – this is when Dentale stepped in and called Hall "clueless".

The Twitter feud quickly escalated to a heads-up challange from Hall, which Dentale accepted. As of now, both players seem to be on board for the "duel" and claim it will happen this month.

Mike Dentale was asked about the subject in a recent interview where he criticized Hall even more, saying "I think she’s just a very disrespectful, smug girl. I think she’s way out of line. I mean, I see so many guys that are in this game that grind and put their heart, soul into the game, and they don’t get the reward they deserve. And she just f*cking comes on to the scene and has a little bit of run, good, and iss not like humble and thankful. (…) And when she’s put to the test where skill would show through, and she’s in a position where you know, you would have to make the right call or fold, she has no idea what she’s doing."

You can watch the entire interview below. The "Cate Hall-talk" starts at the 1:20 mark.




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