PokerStars has launched its Natural Born Poker Player website, where players can test their skills and abilities that are important at the poker table.

"So you’re on a roof top chasing a guy who moments ago stole a woman’s handbag. He’s pretty good with the parkour but your sense of justice compels you to follow him. You nearly get hold of him in the car park but he manages to leap off a balcony onto the building opposite. It’s a big jump, but your adrenaline is pumping and you don’t want this guy to get away. What do you do?"

This is just one of the questions that the players can answer with the help of the interactive games. According to PokerStars, the goal is to have players who have not tried themselves in the online poker world test their adequacy for the game in a fun manner.

The videos determine logic, courage, calmness, quick thinking and the ability to be observant and to bluff.

Currently there are three interactive games with three new ones coming soon. First one is the aforementioned "The Chase", the other two are "The Khazi" and "The Poisoner".

Players have several choices to make in each game, which have direct consequences to the end of the story, and at the end they will also receive points based on their decisions, called "Poker IQ".

Check out the interactive games below, share the videos, and find out if you or your friends are hidden poker geniuses…

Natural Born Poker Player website
PokerStars room review and registration



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