Red Deck Productions will launch a new high stakes show, titled High Stakes Hold’em. According to the news, some of the most talented young online pros will take part in the action, such as jungleman12, luckychewy and djk123.
The brand new show will probably reach TV sets around the end of March, but no information regarding the channel to be airing the show has aroused yet. The weekly show will consist of 15 parts, 13 of which will be the cash games, and two parts will be presenting the Atlantis All In Poker Series Main Event final table.
“High Stakes Hold’em will be a completely new experience for the poker viewing public,” said Eric Ulis, founder and CEO of Red Deck Productions. “HSH will be edgy, aggressive, and very unique.”
Ullis did not mention how exactly this show will be different from any other cash game series, but one thing is sure: the selection of players cannot be criticised in any way. The players surely taking part in the action will be Dan “djk123” Kelly, Amit “Amak316” Makhija, Andrew “luckychewy” Lichtenberger, Melanie “Callisto” Weisner, Matt “mcmatto” Affleck and Full Tilt Poker’s last year profit list leader, Daniel “jungleman12” Cates.
The episodes will last one hour each, and the commentator will be no other than Tom Schneider, 2007 WSOP ‘Player of the Year’.