After the start of the MicroMillions tournament series, Pokerstars has revealed yet another exciting opportunity for tournament players.

The Protégé is a new promotion in which Team Pokerstars members Andre Akkari, Eugene Katchalov, Vanessa Selbst, and Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier take four players under their wings and try to teach them the tactics that made them some of the best in the world. These four combined have four WCOOP

Each protégé will be entered into the $10 million guaranteed, $5,200 buyin WCOOP Main Event as well as in two other tournaments, with the player showing the biggest profit at the end of the series getting rewarded with a Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure package.

The protégé tournaments, which have a buyin of $5,50, run daily from July 20 – August 3 at the following times.

Eugene: 13:00 ET 

ElkY: 14:00 ET

Vanessa: 17:00 ET

Andre: 18.00 ET

If you finish in the top two places in any of these tournaments, you will be invited to submit a one-minute video, where you can try to convince the pros why you are the one they should be teaching. Each pro will select two players each, and the four qualifiers will be selected from these 8 via public vote on social media.





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