Rob "robtinnion" Tinnion has won the biggest Sunday Major tournament on PokerStars, the $215 Sunday Million for the second time in six months. Only three players, Jesper "KipsterDK" Hougaard, Kevin "kevsteele" Steele and Peter "breeth" Turmezey have achieved this incredible feat before.

British poker pro Rob "robtinnion" Tinnion won his first Sunday Million in August 2014, he defeated a field of 7133 players to claim the $213,994 first prize.

Winning the Sunday Million even once is a dream for every online tournament player, but there have been three two-time winners before Tinnion, namely Jesper "KipsterDK" Hougaard, Kevin "kevsteele" Steele and Peter "breeth" Turmezey.

6579 players registered for the Sunday Million on February 7 which created a prizepool of $1.315.800. The 9 handed final table started with the following players and stacks:

Seat 1: rybn1k – 3.175.387
Seat 2: Setherson2 – 2.319.406
Seat 3: dieterD6 – 12.777.554
Seat 4: robtinnion – 17.581.455
Seat 5: boloban25 – 3.536.829
Seat 6: Mylo723 – 1.976.078
Seat 7: elme1989 – 11.423.661
Seat 8: kadafi11 – 2.571.776
Seat 9: ministerborg – 10.427.854

The first player to bust was kadafi11, he was soon followed by Mylo723, rybn1k, boloban25 and dieterD6, and the remaining four players started to discuss a deal.

ministerborg: so 100k elme, 108k sether, me 165k and 133k for rob and 20k to play for
ministerborg: then we have a deal
robtinnion: yeah sure now im getting 133k
robtinnion: 150k for me
ministerborg: 150k was wrong
robtinnion: why
ministerborg: thats not possible
robtinnion: we have the same stack you inbred
ministerborg: true
ministerborg: but I would love to gamble
ministerborg: + I feel in good shape here
ministerborg: nothing personal
ministerborg: this is just my game
robtinnion: right…
ministerborg: will you take that rob?
robtinnion: ive won this before, how many time you won it?
ministerborg: does it matter?

The players couldn’t agree on the chop numbers so play eventually continued. Setherson2 busted in fourth, and Simon "ministerborg" Ravnsbaek once again brought up the possibilty for a deal, but this time elme1989 shot him down. He busted soon after so ministerborg and robtinnion started the heads-up, but not before ministerborg brought up the possibilty for a chop once again.

Tinnion declined and managed to increase his lead even further. In the final hand of the tournament, ministerborg shoved with K-8, Tinnion called with A-3 and held up to win one more title and $200,136.

The Sunday Million runs every week on PokerStars, if you also want to compete for the huge prizes but don’t have an account yet, you can create one here.

PokerStars Sunday Million results for 2-8-2015

Players: 6,579
Prizepool: $1,315,800.00
Places paid: 990

1. Rob "robtinnion" Tinnion (United Kingdom) $200,136.96
2. Simon "ministerborg" Ravnsbaek (Denmark) $148,027.50
3. elme1989 (Switzerland) $103,264.00
4. Seth "Setherson2" Davies (Mexico) $72,369.00
5. dieterD6 (Austria) $55,263.60
6. boloban25 (Mexico) $42,105.60
7. rybn1k (Poland) $28,947.60
8. Mylo723 (United Kingdom) $15,789.60
9. kadafi11 (Sweden) $10,197.45



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