Daniel ”mrgr33n13” Colman had the chiplead for most of the final table but in the end he couldn’t defend his SHRPO Main Event title from last year.

The Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open Main Event final table kicked off on Tuesday with the chip lead of Randy Pfeifer, but defending champ Daniel Colman and Paul Volpe were also still in the hunt for the $1,000,000 first place prize.

Seat 1. Randy Pfeifer – 8.030.000 (134 bb)
Seat 2. Larry Moccia – 2.730.000 (46 bb)
Seat 3. Joseph Couden – 950.000 (16 bb)
Seat 4. Rick Alvarado – 1.090.000 (18 bb)
Seat 5. Paul Volpe – 1.160.000 (19 bb)
Seat 6. Dan Colman – 3.655.000 (61 bb)
Seat 7. Omar Zazay – 3.840.000 (64 bb)
Seat 8. Vlad Mezheritsky – 2.700.000 (45 bb)
Seat 9. Brian Phillis – 3.070.000 (51 bb)

The first player to be eliminated was Rick Alvarado, he shoved for 960,000 over Larry Moccia’s cutoff raise of 240,000 (Level 27, 40,000/80,000-10,000 ante) with A-9, Moccia called with A-K and the best hand held up.

Alvarado was soon followed by Volpe, he shoved over Joseph Couden’s small blind raise for 540,000 (still Level 27) with K-9, Couden called with 4-4 and Volpe failed to improve.

During Level 28 (50,000/100,000-15,000 ante) Colman raised to 200,000 from the button and Vlad Mezheritsky shoved for 760,000 from the big blind. Colman called with A-K and Mezheritsky’s A-J couldn’t improve.

After this pot Colman kept winning pots left and right and soon took over the chiplead. Couden was eliminated in sixth place (K-Q < 9-9) and in the 100th hand of the final table Pfeifer was also eliminated (A-Q < A-K against Omar Zazay).

Seat 2. Larry Moccia – 4.340.000
Seat 6. Dan Colman – 7.870.000
Seat 7. Omar Zazay – 8.305.000
Seat 9. Brian Phillis – 6.755.000

During Level 29 (60,000/120,000-20,000 ante) Moccia raised to 250,000 from the button with J-9 and Zazay defended his big blind with K-2 suited. Both players checked the K-Q-5 flop and Zazay bet out 300,000 when a 4 hit the turn.

Moccia called with his gutshot and the improved to third pair when a 9 rolled off on the river. Moccia shoved for 2.625.000 after Zazay checked and Zazay called after thinking for a short while.

The three remaining players continued with similar stacks for a while but then Colman lost a big pot with trips against Phillis’ full house and was eliminated soon after.

Colman opened to 325,000 from the button with J-J and Phillis defended his big blind with Q9. Colman flopped a set on the K-J-T flop but Phillis flopped a straight. Phillis check/raised Colman’s bet of 550,000 to 2,500,000 and Colman shoved. Phillis snapcalled and Colman couldn’t improve on the turn and river, he received $310,000 for his third place finish.


Seat 7. Omar Zazay – 7.750.000
Seat 9. Brian Phillis – 19.450.000

Zazay managed to turn it around during heads-up play and in the 272nd hand of the final table, he won the tournament. Zazay shoved with A-6 during Level 32 (150,000/300,000-50,000 ante) amd Phillis called all-in for 2.325.000 with A-5 suited.

The board ran out A-J-6-7-K and Omar Zazay made by far the biggest score of his career, winning $1,000,000.

Final table results

1. Omar Zazay – $1.000.000
2. Brian Phillis – $575.000
3. Dan Colman – $310.000
4. Larry Moccia – $220.000
5. Randy Pfeifer – $180.000
6. Joseph Couden – $150.000
7. Vlad Mezheritsky – $125.000
8. Paul Volpe – $100.000
9. Rick Alvarado – $75.000


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