Sam Simon, the co-creator of the legendary TV show The Simpsons has passed away in his Los Angeles home after losing the battle against colorectal cancer. Simon was well-known for his charitable efforts and for being an avid poker player who has competed in the World Series of Poker and on High Stakes Poker.

Sam Simon was mostly known for co-creating The Simpsons with Matt Groenig and James L. Brooks, which currently airs its 26th season. He was a writer and director for the show until 1993 and continued to work as a producer afterwards.

Simon has also worked as a producer, writer and director in several other series including Taxi and Friends, he has received 9 Emmy Awards for his work in television.

Simon was well-known in the poker community, he was an avid poker player who accumulated live tournament earnings of $358.655, and his cashes go all the way back to 1995, when he won the $120 Seven Card Stud tournament at the Los Angeles Big Poker Oktober. His biggest score was a win at the Los Angeles Winnin’ o’ The Green $225 NLHE tournament for $57.308, but he also cashed at the WSOP Main Event (2007, 329th place, $39.445).

Simon has also appeared in televised poker shows, he played in a 2009 episode of GSN’s High Stakes Poker and had his own celebrity poker game show, Sam’s Game. 

Simon was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2012 which was determined as a terminal illness early on. He stayed active until his very last days, appearing on Marc Maron’s podcast and more. The poker community and the world has lost a great man who decided to donate everything to charitable causes after his death.

Sam Simon passed away on March 9 at his Los Angeles home at the age of 59. May he rest in peace.





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