One of the most important parts of poker strategy is betting. It may seem automatic. However, this strategy is at the fundamental core of any poker players’ game. In this article, we investigate the top 5 reasons for betting and the strategy behind each one.
Bear in mind that the most effective decisions made in poker should be backed up by logical thought and reasoning. Every move – every play that you make – needs to be purposeful.
The best decisions at the poker table will always be backed up by logic and reason. However, at the root of all betting is that it should make money for the bettor – that is the crux of all betting scenarios.
In no particular order, here are the 5 reasons for betting:
—————- | • Value |
• Bluffing | |
• Semi-Bluffing | |
• Protection | |
• Pot Control |
Let’s start with Value Betting.
H2: Reason #1: For Value Betting
For most poker players, the reason for value betting seems the most logical. We bet in order to get paid for a hand that we think is the winner. We want an opponent to call – or even raise – with a hand that is weaker and will lose to our much stronger holding.
In these situations, the fact that we have the best of it will be apparent. If we hold the nut-flush and suspect that our opponent has a weaker one, betting for value is straightforward. However, there will be times where the strength of a hand versus an opponent won’t be as clear.
Therefore, we will have to base our value-bet with the belief that we still have the best hand but just not as far ahead of our opponent. This type of value-bet is called a thin value-bet. It is important that we learn how to bet in both scenarios as part of any well-balanced betting strategy.
At this point, we will also need to consider the size of our regular value bets as well as any thin bets. Bet-sizing will have an immense impact on the amount of money we will make because of our strategy.
Let’s look at a straightforward value betting scenario at a 6-Max No Limit Texas Hold’em cash table:
UTG – (100bb) MP – (100bb)
CO – (100bb)
BTN – (100bb) HERO
SB – (100bb)
BB – (100bb)
HERO is dealt A♥Q♥ on the BTN.
UTG, MP and CO all fold. HERO open-raises 3bb. SB folds and BB calls.
BB checks. HERO bets 5bb.
It seems likely that we have the best hand here after raising a strong ace and hitting top pair. We could be up against at two-pair, but that seems unlikely. In this situation, it is more or less a safe value-bet.
H2: Reason #2: As a Bluff
Bluffing plays a significant part in any betting strategy. It is a huge reason why we should bet. Simply put, it’s where we try to represent a hand by betting when all we hold is air or a very weak hand that would not win at showdown. When we bluff, we are hoping that our opponent will fold, and we can win with a hand that would lose – should we be called.
For the majority of beginner players bluffing may seem counter-intuitive. We feel more comfortable betting when we have it than when we don’t. For newbies, betting just for value is okay in the beginning. However, at some point, as we move up levels, we will have to branch out into bluffing. If we only bet when we have it, more sophisticated opponents will pick up on this, and we won’t get paid off with our monster hands.
Again, bet-sizing plays a huge role in bluffing as well as how often we bluff and against whom. By getting all three of these factors in sync, we can come up with a solid bluff betting strategy that works. Check out one the greatest poker bluffs of all time by Tom “Durrrr” Dwan:
H2: Reason #3: As a Semi-Bluff
At the centre of the semi-bluff is betting (or raising) with a drawing hand. It’s not the same as a regular pure bluff because our hand has the potential to be the winner – if we make that our draw.
Where this reason for betting does coincide with a bluff is the intent. We still would like to elicit a fold. However, if called, our hand still has the potential to win. With the additional equity that a semi-bluff has, this play can be a lot more profitable than a pure bluff.
It is importing when using this play that players recognise and are able to determine their draw equity, combined with the fold equity. It is a delicate balancing act but can be one of the best reasons for betting.
Let’s examine a scenario regarding pure bluffs and semi bluffs:
We decide to execute a bluff with A♥2♦ on a board of K♠8♦4♠, after seeing that our opponent folds a lot to one bet flop. Is this a pure bluff or a semi bluff?
Acey-Deucy is a very weak hand here, so we could easily say that out bet would be a straightforward pure-bluff. However, with the Ace overcard and backdoor wheel-draw, our weak ace could be ahead of hands like 9♠8♠.
Therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish accurately between a pure and semi bluff. However, it you have a draw – like say the 9♠8♠ hand above, an over-the-top raise would be a clear semi-bluff.
H2: Reason #4: For Protection
Although, you may hear the phrase, “I was betting for protection – or to protect my hand”, banded about at the poker tables, it is the most least understood reason for betting.
At the heart of it, a protection betting falls somewhere between a value-bet and a bluff. We may have a hand that is not strong enough to bet for value, yet it’s not a complete bluff. We have a hand that has a little something to work with.
For this reason, many players have difficulty knowing how and when to execute a protection bet. They may check – thinking that the hand is not strong enough to extract value but is too strong to bluff. However, this may be a mistake.
Betting has a much higher winning expectation than checking. By betting, we put pressure on our opponents by forcing them to consider whether they want to pay to see another card. They may be forced to fold out better draws, even.
That’s why small protection bets work. They turn the tables back on our opponent and forces them to rethink a hand that could possibly win. It’s knowing the reasoning behind along with the how-to that separates the strongest players from the rest of the pack.
H2: Reason #5: Pot Control
This reason for betting can sometimes be confused with a reason not to bet. Pot control is occasionally best obtained by not betting. However, there exists a place for it on the list of reasons to bet.
In many instances, we may be better off checking in a situation where we may feel that we should bet to control the pot. However, in situations where we believe that our check would result in a large bet or bluff by an over-exuberant opponent, then betting to control the pot could be the right play.
By doing so, we retain control of the pot and keep it small so that we won’t be bet off the best hand.
H2: In Conclusion
These top 5 reasons for betting are at the foundation of any poker strategy. It’s no secret aggression is the key in poker. Betting is one of the most aggressive plays you can make besides raising.
By knowing the reasons behind why we bet, we will be better able to execute our bets in a timely and profitable manner. Keep in mind that the sizes of your bets will also play a significant role in how successful your betting strategy will be.
In the meantime, happy betting!