Thousands of people play poker on a daily basis and the possibility of making easy money attracts more and more new players. It’s inevitable that a great player pops up from time to time to make a career out of poker. Many players have Lady Luck on their side, winning huge amounts in minimal time and others remain on a gradual decline from day 1. As a poker guru, I have also experienced the highs and lows of playing poker. Here, I have collected a few of my favorite and memorable player searches. The colorful variety of different players can be visually viewed in the graphs below.

Dead Fish

Is it possible that someone plays 12,000 micro-limit Sit’n’Gos and learns nothing about poker during the process? I think this question is best answered by Rookie62. The poker extraordinaire tossed his bankroll underwater by playing $2 Sit’n’Gos. Most of the time, he plays 2-4 tables and if he is patient enough, he could become the biggest loser in the world. His talent is given.


A quick ride to the top

This unknown poker player most probably won a donkament, after his bankroll suddenly jumped to $37,500 with only 550 Sit’n’Gos behind him. It is unclear if the poker player continued his career after this head start or just packed it up and went on vacation. What is surely known, though, is that this bankroll could easily have secured him a position at the NL 1000 tables.

Poker graph - a quick ride to the top

Avoid this guy like the plague!

The 44 years old Thomas ’tatta’ Adams is considered a real Omaha machine by many and can leave you feeling pretty ordinary if you decide to play PLO8 heads-up against him. Like any human,  downswings still have an effect on the machine. His only llive tournament result was rached at the 2006 WSOP Main Event, when he received $14,594 for taking the 859. place.

Poker chart

A hectic day in a grinder’s life

KSmith2K7 was your everyday average player, when, after playing 7,000 hands,  he woke one day up to find his luck had changed and won $40,000. But with big money comes big responsibilities. KSmith2K7 felt like one of the big boys and decided to play without the grind once in his career. From the graph we can see that KSmith2K7 should have called it a day instead of losing  all the same day.

Poker chart - hectic

A shallow plus after 4,000 Sit’n’Gos

Although the unknown poker player has been through hell, he has proven one of the axioms of poker: the long term is what counts! After around 3,800 Sit’n’Gos and a stressful career he finally hit the bullseye with a $250 profit.

Poker chart 2

If you have some interesting graphs, share them with us!
