PokerStars used social monitoring tool Followerwonk and Likealyzer to find out which poker players are the most popular on social media nowadays. Here are the results! Click here for part 1 and part 2!
In 11th place is the only female on the list, Vanessa Selbst. Selbst is the highest earning female in poker history, and she is considered to be one of the best tournament players of her generation. She reached the number one spot on the Global Poker Index, being the only woman ever to do so. She also has a Law Degree from Yale, that she acquired while still crushing the live tournament scene
Vanessa plays a very aggressive, unconventional style, famous for her big bluffs and tricky moves, which the fans love to watch.
Poker in general has pretty few ladies compared to men, so the fact that there is a very smart, likeable female player with amazing results and a fun to watch playing style is great for the game.
Vanessa Selbst
Vanessa keeps in touch with her fans on Facebook and Twitter, where she regularly posts photos of trips and gives updates about her tournament adventures.
The 12th place belongs to Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi. Michael, like vanessa, has a loose-aggressive style that the fans enjoy. Michael has two brothers who are professional poker players, and the Mizrachi family always has great success at tournaments, reaching final tables together, railing each other if one of them busts out, and so on, basically he gives out a good vibe and he is respectful to the fans. Grinder uses Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to keep in touch with his fans.
Michael Mizrachi
In 13th place is none other than Viktor Blom, better known as Isildur1. For a long time people didn’t know who the person behind the famous nickname was and there were quite a lot of speculation. Blom finally showed himself at the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure, and the fans loved him.
Even though Viktor doesn’t give many interviews or share much of his thoughts on the forums, his Twitter account is still worth following, as he often posts photos or short updates regarding his travels and the games he has been playing.
Viktor Blom
The 14th place finisher, Joe Sebok is probably the most surprising name on the list. Sebok, a stepson to famous pro Barry Greenstein, gained a huge Twitter following (945,000, just short of Phil Ivey’s 957,000) when he was running the Poker Road media outlet. The "PokerRoad Radio" show was a hugely successful poker show, hosted by Sebok, Gavin Smith and Joe Stapleton. PokerRoad also used to publish videos on their Youtube channel, for example they had a "The Poker Mind" video series, in which they interviewed famous players, and the "Life of Ivey" video series, which showed Phil Ivey travelling and gambling throughout the world. Sebok used to be a pro for UltimateBet, a site that scammed his users for millions of dollars. After this, the PokerRoad slowly started to die, and now even their website is defunct, so it’s pretty safe to say Phil Ivey’s Twitter is not in danger of being overtaken.
Joe Sebok
Rounding out our top 15 list is Erik Seidel. Seidel is a quiet, cold-blooded machine at the tables, he has earned over $20 million, which is enough to put him on the fourth place of the all-time money list. Seidel is posting almost daily on Twitter, mostly about tournament updates but you can find a few jokes and opinions on everyday topics in there as well.
Erik Seidel