As poker fans at heart, we can’t really complain about 2017. The year was full of shocking news and surprising moments. Here is a list of what happened this year.

In the beginning of the year, a sci-fi-like battle took place, as the best NLH heads-up players the humanity could show up, took against the Artificial Intelligence, Libratus. Read about the battle here and you can read about the results here.

The Aussie Millions is one of the favourite poker festivals for all the top pros. However, this year an amateur player was the last man standing in the Main Event. Read about the success of a local guy here.

If you ever wondered how the "King of Instagram" plays poker, you can take a look here, as Doug Polk analyzes the game of Dan Bilzerian’s. Watch the video here.

It’s not uncommon to see poker players talk trash to each other but these beefs are rarely followed up by a heads-up battle. However, there are some exceptions. Read about the high-stakes clash here.

The reputation of Tom "Durrrr" Dwan‘s was seriously harmed after the failed "Durrrr challenge" but it may have just gotten worse after this happened. Read about the details of the alleged Durrrr-scam here. Tom even made a rare live appereance in Macau later in April.

Sad news for the soccer fans from April, as the "two Ronaldos and Neymar" were fired.

Stay tuned for the rest of our annual recap.
