Greg ‘Fossilman’ Raymer, 2004 WSOP Main Event champion, PokerStars pro is rumored to have left its sponsor due to compensation problems. According to unofficial information, he no longer represents the company.

Greg Raymer

Though it has not yet been announced or even commented by PokerStars, it’s quite easy to see that Greg Raymer is about to leave them. His profile has been deleted on the Team PokerStars Pro page on the website, which must mean something. According to 2+2 forum users he also chatted with Pat Pezzin at online tables, noticing Raymer had no red star by his name.

Pat Pezzin: yo greg
FossilMan: hi pat
Pat Pezzin: why don’t you have red star by your name?
Fossilman: long story, call me if you’d like

Raymer also posted a comment on 2+2 forums telling everybody that the rumors are right, he’s not representing PokerStars at the moment, but he cannot say more until an official statement comes from the company:

"There has been a lot of discussion about my representation of PokerStars, and it is true that right now I am not representing them. In the near future, I will have a more detailed statement discussing this situation, but I have no further comment at this time. For those of you who have been reading about and discussing this situation, I appreciate all of the positive comments I have received. It is very gratifying to hear so many nice things from so many good people, and I am touched by your support."

The move is rumored to be revolving around compensation problems; 2+2 users figure that PokerStars is not paying enough for Raymer, while they are concentrating on younger pros like Isildur1 and Daniel Negreanu. Raymer has been representing the room for quite some time, and after he’s gone there are only 5 players left at PokerStars with a WSOP Main Event trophy.


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